Wednesday, March 10, 2004

the fiction of forbidden fruit

sometimes you give in to the thrill.

the moment just spills onto your lap and you feel like dabbing the stains away but you choose not to.

you let the feeling overcome you. you let the discomfort, the awkward elation just take hold of you. you prolong the sensation because you know that just as quickly as this sensation comes, it will leave you... in a flash, and you can't go back to it.

at least not that often. not as much as you may want to but that's exactly what makes these moments so unique. they only happen once in a while; these moments hidden within the confines of each other's minds, within secrets whispered over heavy breaths and tastes swallowed like forbidden nectars.

you sometimes wonder who you are during these moments. if it is really you or if you are a thespian in some unrehearsed scene, unsure of what lines must be uttered, and what actions should be left undone.


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