Monday, February 09, 2004

what's your purpose?

"not all wanderers are aimless."

--mona lisa smile.

i watched it last night with pat and maych at festival mall. it was expectedly as light and pretty as one would imagine. of course, i've always been a fan of chick flicks (one of my "comfort movies" is the first wives club) and while it wasn't that heavy on drama, it did boast some memorable lines (like the one above) as well as few warm moments.

tha main drive of the movie is, of course, to make one ponder what makes what you are choosing to do with your life worth doing. why are we all here? i used to think that i would make a difference somehow in anyone's life. and after exiting the cinema, my companions and i found ourselves thinking much about the future and about the options that we all have as educated, working youths.

it's always a question of "what can i do and how do i do it?". even just deciding upon a particular course to take or road to travel entails so much investment. your mind, your energy, your time. i think it has become almost like a sickness for my generation to be complacent with earning just enough to have a comfortable lifestyle.

there's always more to life than what we now know or understand. but we are always hindered from experiencing life fully. so many things stop us. fear. obligations. comfort. but if we are to truly embrace what we would like to call our own lives, then we must do so at any cost. we must be willing to sacrifice our comfort for change.

and that, my friends, is the thing i fear most.

they should ban movies that make you think about the future.



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